May 25th, the first
Today is the Glorious 25th of May, and also for many people month mumblemumble of social distancing, so we thought we'd give you a special treat of all our silly goofs (at least the ones that Aaron saved once he figured out how).
4 years ago

Please donate to the Alzheimer's Association, Alzheimer's Research UK, or the Orangutan Foundation UK, in honor of Sir Terry. Wear the lilac, and how do the angels rise up?
Check us out on twitter at @atuin_pod
Follow individual hosts at @urizenxvii, @The_Miannai, @mynaminnarr, and @JustenHunter
We can also be found at
Our special episode art (as well as our regular art) is by the indomitable Jess who can be found at @angryartist113
Music is by Incompetech and used under a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution license.