S1E4 - Equal Rites

In which we learn how a wizard is born, and what happens if it's not a boy; what witches do; wait, that guy was an apple tree?; Granny is bae; let's just remember that Esk is 8 years old here; which witch is which?; a very long journey for an 8 year old with a violent magic staff; Adventure! Excitement! Really Wild Stuff!; wizard/witch duel? wizard/witch duel!; the real magic was inside you all along. And it's gross in there.

5 years ago

Equal Rites is, to the more experienced readers, much closer to what we associate with Discworld novels. It's got a core argument and some characters we dearly love, it Says Something, it hides worldbuilding behind plot, and aside from some kinda rough edges it's a pretty decent book.

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